Dekkjalyfta - Wheel Assist Ergo+

Frá Winntec - Vörunúmer: TMY472270ERGO

144.900 kr

Best in combination with 2-post and other high rise lifts. Allows operator to install wheels at chest height. Delivered with quick install ramp, foot step and sliding rollers that ensure a safe working distance from the vehicle.

Operating as a standalone piece of workshop equipment, that doesn’t require charging or linking up to a power source, the Winntec® Wheel Assist has powerful gas springs that enable workshop technicians to quickly and easily remove and replace wheels while in a ergonomically correct position (chest height). This unique, patent pending product, guarantees a optimal balance between mechanical force and physical user input.


1800 mm
685 mm
Max 60 kg
42 kg
Stilling hf.