Rafgeymir 720A 5years

- Vörunúmer: YUM27-90S

32.868 kr

YBX Bátarafgeymir

YBX Active Marine Battery 12V 90Ah 720A Capacity at 20-hour Rate (Ah): 90 Cold Cranking Performance (Amps) EN1: 720

  • Specially designed and built for marine starting applications
  • Vibrolock construction provides enhanced vibration resistance
  • Dual terminal
  • Supplied charged and ready to fit
  • Enhanced safety features including integrated flame arrestor & carry handle
  • Fully maintenance free
  • Leak proof double lid

YBX Active Marine batteries are ideal for yachts, motor boats, sailing boats and other water craft. Specifically designed to handle the to handle the rigours of wave pounding and trailer transport, they deliver reliable starting power. They incorporate advanced design features and specialist hard-wearing components for all marine applications.

Klettháls 5 (lager)
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